Stop 2 – Gdansk – Poland

9 Feb, 2015

The city of Gdansk didn’t hit last month’s Europe itinerary by accident. You see I have a mate there who has found models for me in the past, Like Jakub, Axel (pic) and Justin Evans. So after hearing so much about Poland I decided to add it to the trip. And I’m really glad I did. I don’t know about other parts of Poland, but the city of Gdansk is a really beautiful place. Loads of cute guys too. We only had a short stay so I didn’t spend any time recruiting news guys. I already had my hands full checking out the city and shooting with some of my favourite guys there. But it’s definitely a city I would visit again. Everyone is so friendly there!

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And it’s back to work

30 Jan, 2015

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Vacations always seem to go by too quickly. As soon as I landed back in Australia I was getting messages from new guys wanting to get in on the action. It seems that everyone wants to get there gear off. And being the middle of summer here, I don’t blame them. So it seems I have quite a lot of shooting ahead of me. The next few weeks are going to be very busy. In the meantime I am now posting the scenes that I shot during December in Melbourne (like the one above with Jay and Ryan), along with some of the guys that I met during our trip through Europe. You will be happy to see some of the hot guys I met last year in Europe coming back for more scenes.

The Euro Vacation is over

18 Jan, 2015

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Late last night Zac and I flew back in to Australia. What a great trip that was! We visited London (for NYE), Gdansk, Berlin, Innsbruck and Munich. As well as doing a whole lot of touring I got to meet up with some pretty beautiful guys as well, including a bunch of guys that I have shot scenes with in the past. I’m really excited to start posting some of the stuff I shot along the way. Probably one of the most beautiful places we visited was Innsbruck down in Austria. Even though it was a little bit quiet there to do much shooting, it was great climbing those mountains and checking out the views. It really is a beautiful part of the world. I’m hoping that I will get a trip back to Europe in their summer this year (Australia’s winter). I’m sure the photos in summer would be even nicer.

London Calling

31 Dec, 2014

We survived the 29 hour trip from Australia to London. We have been in London a couple of days now and I’m still a bit jet lagged. But I’m looking forward to seeing how the Brits celebrate New Year’s Eve tonight. So far we have been busy running around all over town visiting friends, eating and shopping. It’s going to be a busy 3 weeks as we travel around some beautiful cities. In the meantime, happy New Year to everyone! It’s been a year full of fun, and it looks like 2015 is going to be even better. I will post some photos here from the trip while we are travelling about.

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Gold Coaster

26 Dec, 2014

I love visiting my family in Queensland. This Christmas with the family gave me a chance to get a lot more practice in using the new GoPro. And I gotta say it’s a lot of fun. Especially in the swimming pool. Today I will head home to Melbourne to pack another suitcase as we jet off to Europe tomorrow. Of course I expect a lot less sunny days over there right now.  I’m now officially on vacation from my day job for the next 3 weeks.

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Rooftop Skaters

19 Dec, 2014

So summer is here and there’s no excuse not to get naked outside. Damien was one of the first to get out on the roof this summer. And there have been a few more since then. His shoot was really popular when I posted it last week. He has also been back for another shoot with one of my mates. The guys love filming with him and the feedback on his shoots has been really great. Damien is definitely going to be a busy boy this summer.

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Behind the Scenes with a GoPro

10 Dec, 2014

So I picked up a GoPro camera on the weekend and Zac used it to shoot the BTS footage for a new scene this week.  And I gotta say it looks amazing!  The video appears to be a lot sharper than the Sony videos cameras I usually use.  In fact maybe a bit too sharp.  But we’ll see how it looks once it is edited and posted on the site. I think it will be great for making the BTS videos since it can be hooked up virtually anywhere and has a nice wide angle on it. And so tiny to carry. I could carry almost 10 of these in the space of my usual video camera. I can’t wait to start using it regularly in our shoots.  The room in the picture above is actually quite  small.  You wouldn’t really know in that shot.

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All I want for Christmas

6 Dec, 2014

Now if this turned up under my Christmas tree this year I’d be pretty happy. The GoPro camera…  not necessarily the helicopter thing carrying it.  I was looking at some huge drones while I was in Bangkok. Some of those things are massive.  While I like the idea of getting aerial shots I don’t like the idea of a machine with spinning blades hovering above people. I have seen some pretty cool shots from them for some of the big porn studios. But it’s the GoPro that I’m interested in. The new Hero4 makes some great video. I am thinking about getting one for the behind the scenes footage. They are smaller to pack when I go travelling and they are easier to mount around a scene to capture all the action. After a quick search I found that some of the large porn studios have also been using them to capture extra footage.

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The Big Weekend

30 Nov, 2014

A quick post before I head off to the next shoot. I’ve booked a lot of guys for scenes over this weekend. When I’m not snapping away I’m recharging the cameras and organising the gear for the next shoot. Yesterday went really well. Most of all I love it when the guys get along really well and the scenes goes smoothy. This weekend I’m shooting all the scenes with guys who have appeared before, but new match ups. Unfortunately there’s a big public event happening next to my building so I can’t shoot on the roof this weekend. So I am shooting out at other locations around the city.  It’s an early start this morning so I had better get moving.

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Goal Setting

23 Nov, 2014

I’ve set myself a goal to complete 9 more shoots before Christmas. That’s about 5 weeks away. So I’m fully in shooting mode at the moment. And right now I already have the guys for the next 5 shoots all worked out. You see right after Christmas Zac and I are heading to Europe. So I am filming a bunch of scenes now to keep the site updates going while I am travelling. Of course we will most likely meet with some beautiful guys along the way, but it’s always good to have a bunch of scenes prepared for the weeks while we’re on the road. And right now is the most perfect time to shoot in Melbourne. The days are warm and the sun doesn’t go down until 8.30pm. So there’s no excuse not to be shooting every day of the week. And I’m definitely not short of guys volunteering to get in on the scenes. December is going to be the busiest month ever!

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New mates

Pedro Mota
Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Soap up with my cute mate Andy in the shower
Shooting with my cute mate Eddie
Brad Hunter soaping up in the bath