I’m pretty excited now that the whole trip for the end of the year is all booked. It got a little bigger than we had planned it to be. The plan has us in Berlin for Christmas and New York for New Year’s Eve. This is the final routing.
Melbourne – Sydney – London – Budapest (stop) – Berlin (stop) – London – New York (stop) – London (stop) – Paris (stop) – London – Melbourne
As you can see it’s a very long trip. But it’s actually only 5 cities spread over 5 weeks. That first trip to Budapest takes 34 hours… eeekkkk!!!
I am hoping to catch up with some of the guys I have shot in the past as well as meet some new guys a long the way. I have been to all these cities before, except Budapest. I’ve met some hot Hungarian men in the past. I’m going to imagination they are all like that.